Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Things I wish my kids knew

I wish my kids knew that I love spending time with them.
That they make me laugh everyday.
I miss them when they're gone.

I wish my kids knew that I stress about giving them what they want.
That I hate telling them I can't afford something.
I wish I could give them everything.

I wish my kids knew how much I really do.
That I spend my whole day running around so I don't have to when they're home.
I try to do it all.

I wish my kids knew that when they cry, I cry.
That when they're hearts are broken, my heart is broken.
I want to shield them from hurt.

I wish my kids knew that I lose sleep every night.
That I lay in bed thinking about everything that needs done, and how I'll get it done.
I would pay for a good nights sleep.

I wish my kids knew how much I worry about them.
That there is nothing they do that I don't worry about.
I wish we lived in a bubble.

I wish my kids knew how much I hide from them.
That I don't want them to worry about bills, or how we're going to afford groceries this week.
I don't want them to think about that stuff.

I wish my kids knew how much I love them.
That I've never known a love so strong and it grows every day.
I could not imagine my life without them.