Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wedding planning is a pain in the bouquet

Have you ever planned a wedding? Not a court house, $37 dollar, update your Facebook status to 'married' wedding - but like a REAL wedding. Now do that while going to school full time, working and raising 7 kids.

My typical day involves getting up at 6:00 am, getting 5 kids up and ready for school, and driving 3 of them to school. Then I come home, I still have one more to get off to school but he doesn't leave until lunch time. During the day I clean, take care of the dogs, do any running that needs done for the house, doc's appts, and do my homework. Evenings are work or home doing dinner, dishes and drama with the kids.

Where exactly am I supposed to find time to plan this damn wedding? And of course NO wedding planning book or app is exactly what I want. Maybe I should make a new one that fits what I want.

I want a book without all that extra crap I don't need. I want it to have places to write down exactly what I want. I need a payment plan section, not just a deposit-payoff area for vendors. I want enough guest list spots for my entire wedding, not just 25 of them. I don't need an entire section on a destination wedding, because I'm not having one. If I were, I would have bought that book.

While I'm bitching, I also want a good venue. One I can have my wedding and reception at and love both spaces. I live in the middle of No-town, Indiana. There are places to have the ceremony that I love. There are places to have the reception that I love. But there isn't a place I've found where I can have both. I'd like to have them in the same place. People tend to stay if they're in the same place and we can get to drinking immediately.

I think people who elope may just have the right idea. Get married on a beach, have a boy standing by with drinks ready.

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